

How was the research conducted and was it representative of the UK population?

The research included a nationally representative face to face survey of 3,733 people (both parents and non-parents), in-depth qualitative interviews with 40 parents, “ethnographic research” with 12 families, a nationally representative online survey of 1,000 parents to identify the impact of COVID-19 on their experiences and an extensive public survey (parents and non-parents) which saw 435,141 UK respondents. You can read more detail in the State of the Nation Report.


Were there significant differences in the data between the devolved nations?

The research covered all nations of the UK. The data was analysed to identify any statistically significant differences between the nations and these are highlighted in the State of the Nation Report.


How did the survey capture the views and experiences of the most vulnerable families? Were there noticeable differences response trends in deprived areas?

The face to face survey and online follow up were nationally representative and so allow for comparison in responses from families across social grades and IMD status (England only). We highlighted a number of key differences identified between the least and most deprived areas including the impact of the pandemic. You can read more detail in the Executive Summary and State of the Nation Report.


Did parents provide ideas about the support and help they would like to receive, or areas where it could be improved?

The main purpose of the research was to explore perceptions of the early years, including support. We therefore did not explore the availability of different types of support in depth. It is important to bear in mind how questions were asked. For example, parents were asked top of mind where they feel welcome or comfortable and the answers they gave were unprompted.


Did you research whether local parent support services such as family/children’s centres were accessed or even available?

The scope of the research did not cover asking parents whether local parent support services were accessed or available where they live. In the Capibus survey we did ask a few questions about where parents would turn for information they can trust about their child(ren), and where they would turn for information they can trust about child development or child milestones.


Were children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) included, and were there any significant differences in the findings?

Respondents were asked whether they or their child(ren) had a long-standing illness or disability. Any statistically significant differences have been highlighted in the State of the Nation Report.


When you mention schools, did this include nurseries and preschool settings?

When we talk about the role of schools in the report this does not include nurseries or pre-school settings. This is because we were specifically looking at the view on responsibility for child development in the early years versus the school role post 5 years.